What is Alimony? How Do Family Lawyers in NJ Help Manage Alimony Disputes?

Alimony Lawyer Help

Divorce isn’t cheap, but what other costs might strike after your divorce is finalized? Is alimony in your future? Keep reading to find out what alimony is, if you can avoid paying it, and how family lawyers in NJ help manage alimony disputes.

Family Law Attorneys Discuss Alimony or Spousal Support

Alimony, or spousal support, as it is often called, is the payment that one spouse makes to support their ex after divorce. This has a historical connotation, from back in the days when men typically worked to support the home, and women typically worked at home to support the man. In today’s world, both partners usually work, but the gender gap still exists, and people who choose to be the full-time parent often suffer a major loss of earnings. In today’s world, the higher earner (male or female), is expected to continue to support their ex-partner after divorce. The courts make it an effort to help the disadvantaged party continue to maintain their quality of life through support payments, requiring careful attention from family law specialists in NJ to sort out the details.

Can a Prenup Protect Me From Paying Alimony? Family Attorneys Advise

What if you don’t want to give your ex anything after a divorce? If you thought ahead and drafted a prenuptial agreement (or “prenup” as most people call it), you may have protected yourself. If you and your partner both sought legal counsel to develop a legally-binding, appropriate, and conscionable prenup that waives or limits alimony, this is your best protection. Many people wish they could turn back time and hire a family law attorney to protect their earnings. Keep in mind, however, that the courts have the final decision; if your prenuptial agreement is unfair, unconscionable, or would leave your ex destitute, the judge may make other arrangements.

How a Family Lawyer in NJ Helps During Alimony Disputes

Don’t get discouraged when thinking about alimony! If you are being asked to pay more than you can afford, or more than you think is fair, contact a family lawyer in NJ to help sort things out. There are so many factors that go into alimony determinations, including the length of your marriage, the earnings and resources of both partners, the distribution of property, and more that are specific to your case. A family lawyer in NJ helps you to understand these matters and advocate for yourself so you get the most fair and equitable decision.
Don’t just accept that alimony payment—call a family law attorney in NJ today to ensure that your rights are being respected and your alimony payments are fair